General Assembly

What is the General Assembly?

A general assembly is a meeting of all the members of an organisation.

  • The CED-IADR General Assembly is composed of all the members of the Association.
  • It has been conferred certain powers as stipulated in the present bylaws of the constitution and the law.
  • The General Assembly is held once a year.
  • Each General Assembly is held at the domicile of the Association or in any other place in Europe as indicated in the agenda prior to the congress.
  • Each voting member can have himself represented by another voting member. This power of attorney is given in writing. A member can have no more than one authorisation.

Competences of the CED-IADR General Assembly

The General Assembly has competences explicitly conferred by the law or the present bylaws of the constitution. The General Assembly is conferred exclusive competence in the following areas:

  • amend the bylaws;
  • approve/reject reports drawn up by the CED-IADR Board regarding the management, functioning and financial situation of the Association;
  • determine the annual membership fee on the proposal of the CED-IADR Board;
  • discharge the CED-IADR Board Members;
  • approve/reject the annual accounts;
  • decide on the liquidation and the dissolution of the Association;
  • merge with other Associations that share the same objectives;
  • accept/exclude a member conform article 6.2.b);
  • elect the Members of the Board, if necessary;
  • consider and discuss proposals from the Board in order of importance with the objective of the development of the Association and look after the Association’s interests.

Upcoming CED-IADR General Assembly Meeting

You are invited to join our next CED-IADR General Assembly (for CED-IADR members only) September 16, 2022 during the upcoming PER-IADR Oral Health Research congress in Marseille, France (September 15-17, 2022). 

All CED-IADR members will receive an email with the invitation details in due time.    

For members only. 

Last CED-IADR General Assembly Meeting

Our last General Assembly was at the CED-IADR/NOF Oral Health Research congress in Brussels, Belgium (Sept 16-18, 2021) on Friday, September 17, 2021. 

Read below the minutes:

General Assembly

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