CED-IADR Travel Grant
The CED-IADR Travel Grant is a financial support for young researchers to attend the CED-IADR/NOF Oral Health Research Congresses. A jury will select the winners, based on the scores the abstract have received from the Scientific Committee.
In order to apply for a CED-IADR Travel Grant, you have to meet the following conditions:
- Candidates must be a CED-IADR member (membership 2024).
- Candidates must have their affiliation in the CED-IADR area.
- Candidates should not be older than 35 years at the time of application.
- Candidates must submit an abstract before the abstract-submission deadline.
- Candidates need to be the first author and presenter of the abstract.
- Candidates resident in the city of the congress, and surroundings, will be excluded.
- Winners are requested to attend the General Assembly on The Friday of the congress.
- A CED-IADR Travel Award can be received only once.
Once the candidates' abstracts have been accepted for presentation and included in the scientific programme, the CED-IADR awards committee will evaluate the abstracts on basis of the average Scientific Committee scores. Each abstract is usually evaluated by 2 Scientific Committee members.
More information can be found at www.ced-iadr.eu/travel-grant.
Contact info for additional questions: ced.iadr@uzleuven.be
How to proceed
- Submit an abstract at the CED-IADR/NOF Oral Health Research Congress (see Congresses) by using the online abstract submission site and check the box representing the respective award category you wish to compete in.
- Follow additional submission obligations described at the abstract submission site.
Once the notification for abstract acceptance was submitted to the presenters, the CED-IADR Board will make a selection out of all abstracts submitted for the competition. Travel Grant winners are selected on basis of the scientific quality of the abstract (and upon acceptance of the abstract by the congress Scientific Committee).
All applicants will be informed by email.
The prize money is around 300€ per person, depending on the number of candidates and the budget, which is determined per year by the CED-IADR Board.
in 2023, in Rhodes:
Presenter | Institution | Abstract title |
An Li | University of Groningen, the Netherlands | Does Periodontitis Affect the Impact of Biological Aging on Mortality? |
Aurélie Cotten | Centre national de la recherche scientifique,France | A Collagen Scaffold Encapsulating Complement C5a Enhances Pulp Cell Colonization |
Ayse Parlakyildiz Gökçe | Marmara University, Turkye | Assessment of Enamel Remineralisation After Treatment with Different Varnishes:A SEM-Study |
Beatrice Longhi | University of Turin, Italy | Biomimetic Engineered Osteoinductive Scaffold: In Vivo and In Vitro Study. |
Beatriz Fernandes | Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal | Hard-Tissue Cell Response to Zirconia Implant Surfaces Coated with MTA |
Botond Barna Simon | Semmelweis University, Hungary | The Effect of Sex and Ethnicity on Palatal Geometry-Based Identification |
Burcu Oglakci | Bezmialem vakif university, Turkye | Mechanical and surface properties of titanium dioxide nanotubes addition to conventional glass-ionomers |
Chenmin Yao | Wuhan University, KU Leuven (University of Leuven), Belgium | Bonding Effectiveness of New Etchants and Adhesives to Enamel/Dentin |
Daniel Borbola | Semmelweis University, Hungary | Trueness of Two Intraoral Scanners Measured by a Novel Method |
Daniel Diehl | Witten/Herdecke University, Germany | Elucidating the pathological properties of gingival fibroblast-derived extracellular vesicles |
Dilek Akin | Ege University School of Dentistry, Turkye | The Comparative Evaluation of an Experimental Dentin-Chip Added Pulp-Capping Material |
Ella Ohlsson | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany | Establishing a Protocol for the Cultivation of Pulp-Organoids from DPSC |
Evangelia Zampa | NKUA, Greece | Diode Laser Effect on Osteoblasts Exposed to a Peri-implantitis Environment |
Helena Dujic | LMU Munich, Germany | Periodontal Bone Loss Detection on Periapical Radiographs by Transformer Networks |
Jana Kostunov | University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany | Immediate Loading of Dental Implants: a Nine-Year Randomized Clinical Study |
Janet Brinz | LMU Munich, Germany | Microbial and Sialochemical Saliva Shifts with Tumor Irradiation |
Kyriaki Briamatou | NKUA, Greecd | Gender Estimation by Odontological Methods in Forensics. A Systematic Review |
Lea Patekar | Private dental office, Croatia | Accuracy Assessment Protocol of Direct Metal Laser Sintering in Prosthodontics |
Ludovica Parisi | University of Bern, Switzerland | Reduced IRF6 levels: increased OSCC risk for some CLP patients? |
Mariangela Cernera | University of Naples "Federico II"? Italy | Implant Material and Performance of Metal-artifact Reduction in CBCT Images |
Marzia Maglitto | University of Naples "Federico II", Italy | Fluoride-containing Calcium-Phosphates: in Vitro Cytotoxicity Evaluation on hDPSCs |
Naiera Zayed | KU Leuven, Ugent, Belgium | Novel, Safe, and Microbiome-Friendly Electrolyzed Solutions Prevent Periodontal Dysbiosis. |
Özlem Kanar | Marmara University, Turkye | Comparison of Caries Removal Techniques and Dental-Scanners for Quantitative Volume-Loss |
Parisa Soltani | University of Naples "Federico II", Italy | Metal Artifact Reduction for Detecting Implant-related Injuries to Mandibular Canal |
Sena Okut | Selcuk University, Turkye | Saliva and Ferric Sulphate Contamination on Immediate Dental Sealing |
Sezgi Iyigün | Marmara University, Turkye | Salivary MMP-9 and SOD Levels After Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment |
Tattiana Enrich Essvein | University of Granada, Spain | Effects of Proanthocyanidin-Functionalized Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles on Dentin Bonding. |
Wannes Van Holm | KU Leuven, Ugent, Belgium | Oral biofilm composition, dissemination, and inflammation depend on probiotic strain-specificity. |
Wout Jacobs | KU Leuven, Belgium | Material Characterization of Surface-modified Toughened Zirconia for Enhanced Osseointegration Potential |
Zuodong Zhao | KU Leuven, Belgium | Transcriptomic Profiling of Periodontal Ligament Tissue Subjected to Orthodontic Force |
In 2022, in Marsielle:
Presenter | Institution | Abstract |
Alba Regueira-Iglesias | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain | A Large-Scale Meta-Omics Analysis of Plaque Microbiome for Periodontal Diagnosis |
Alexander Schulze Wenning | Semmelweis University, Hungary | Comparison of 1-stage and 2-stage Palatoplasty: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Alexandra Dehesa-Santos | Complutense University of Madrid, Spain | Genetic Variants of American-European Families with Class-III Phenotype: An Update |
Andrea Fanni Fanni Vass | Semmelweis University, Hungary | Temporomandibular Joint Involvement in Patients with Epilepsy |
Berna Sadioglu | Selçuk University, Turkye | The Color Stability of Composite Resins with and without Periodic Brushing |
Bianca Golzio Navarro Cavalcante | Semmelweis University, Hungary | Efficacy of CPP-ACP on Early Caries Lesions Remineralization: A Meta-Analysis |
Chuliang Tang | KU Leuven, Belgium | Bonding Hydrophobic 2-Step Universal Adhesives to Low C-Factor Flat Dentin |
Elif Alkan | Marmara University, Turkye | Comparative Study of Toothpastes for Dentin Tubule Occlusion |
Elif Can Simsek Balaban | Selçuk University, Turkye | A Ten-Year Clinical Evaluation of Direct and Indirect Composite Restorations |
Elli Alexakou | A.U.T;H., Greeced | “Inflammageing” on Human Oral Cells: Correlation with Age-Related Diseases? |
Florian Hermans | Hasselt University, KU Leuven | Mouse tooth organoids: Expanding the toolbox of dental regenerative medicine |
Gözde Ece Karaman | Marmara University, Turkye | Effects of Children's Toothpastes and Detergent Contents on Zebrafish Embryos |
Hasevoets Steffie | Hasselt University, Belgium | Dental Pulp Stem Cells: A Promising CMT1A in Vitro Model |
Jolien Van den Bosch | Hasselt University, BIOMED, Belgium | Dental Stem Cells-Mediated Suicide Gene Therapy for Oral Cancer. |
Line Etiennot | KU Leuven, Belgium | Properties of Dental Composite with Bisguaiacol-based Monomer Replacing BisGMA |
Murat Can Ersen | Selçuk University, Turkye | Does Composite Repair Time Affect Repair Protocol, Immediate or Delayed? |
S.Gizem Ülkü | Selçuk University, Turkye | Surface Properties and Microhardness of Composites After Polishing and Aging |
Susana Dias | Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal | Efficacy of Three Different Bleaching Techniques – Randomized Controlled Trial |
Triana Blanco-Pintos | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain | The Salivary Microbiome for Discriminating Periodontal Conditions: A Meta-Omics Analysis |
Virág Palotai | Semmelweis University, Hungary | Exploring awareness and attitudes towards sustainable dentistry at Semmelweis University |
In 2021 Brussels:
Caroline Mocquot | Paris, France | Bonding of an experimental bioglass-based 2-step universal adhesive to dentin |
Manuel Toledano-Osorio | Granada, Spain | Bone-forming Genes Expression of Osteoblasts Cultured on Polymeric Nanosctructured Membranes. |
Foteini Machla | Heraklion, Greece | Dentin Regeneration by DMP-1/BMP-2-Plasmid-Modified Nanoparticle-Treated DPSCs on Dentin Scaffolds |
Andres Torres | Leuven, Belgium | Accuracy of virtually-guided access cavity preparation through Augmented Reality |
Cansu Atalay | Ankara, Turkey | Shear Bond Strengths of Two Newly Marketed Self-Adhesive Resin Cements |
Chen Zong | Leuven, Belgium | Dynamic Changes In Orthodontic Tooth Movement In Rats: 3D Analysis |
Anna Koutrouli | Thessaloniki, Greece | Biological Responses of Calcium-Silicate-Based Cements on a 3D Pulp Analogue |
Athina Christina Georgiou | Amsterdam, Netherlands | The microbiome of endodontic infections and its association with clinical features |
Nektarios Tsoromokos | Amsterdam, Netherlands | Bone Loss Estimation in Periodontitis using Machine Learning on Periapicals |
Neusa Silva | Lisboa, Portugal | Bacterial adhesion on laser and milled micro-texturized zirconia implant surfaces |
Pelin Kukey | Istanbul, Turkey | Effect of Biomimetic Mineralization on Demineralized Dentin: A SEM/EDS Analysis |
Xiaojun Mao | Rengensburg, Germany | Phenotypic adaptation of oral bacterial isolates toward chlorhexidine-digluconate and cetylpyridinium-chloride |
Teodora Karteva | Plovdiv, Bulgaria | Bone regeneration in Apical Periodontitis |
Avneesh Chopra | Berlin, Germany | BACH1 binding links the genetic risk for severe periodontitis with ST8SIA1 |
Giacomo Baima | Turin, Italy | Surface decontamination for surgical treatment of peri-implantitis: A systematic review |
Virginia Biferi | Chieti, Italy | Mechanical Properties of a Graphene-based Composite for Dental Restorations |
Andrea Roccuzzo | Bern, Switzerland | Long-term Outcomes of Periodontal Regeneration with Enamel Matrix Derivative (EMD) |
Maria Maia Azevedo | Maia, Portugal | The Impact of Hypertension on the Oral Health during Pregnancy. |
Panagiotis Ntovas | Athens, Greece | Occlusal Caries Detection in vivo and on 3D Digital Models |
Rossana Izzetti | Pisa, Italy | Prognostic value of Ultra-High Frequency Ultrasound in primary Sjögren Syndrome |
Sevgi Arabulan | Izmir, Turkey | Regenerative Endodontic Treatment with Blood Clot and PRF: A Clinical Report |
Alexander De Greef | Londerzeel, Belgium | >3Years Follow-up of a Variable-Thread Tapered Implant. |
Banndith Cheat | Montrouge, France | Role of NLRP3 Inflammasome in Periodontitis : Friend or Foe? |
Sandra Roumani | Marseille, France | Osteogenic Potential of Human Periosteal-Derived Cells for Bone Regeneration |
Ana Filipa Silva Marques | Lisbon, Portugal | Cytotoxicity of commercial hyaluronate-based aphthae treatment gels |
Antonín Tichý | Prague, Czechia | Release of Bisphenol A from Dental Polycarbonate Materials |
Nagore Arroyo Lamas | Leioa, Spain | Time-induced Ageing of Titanium Dental Implants |
2021 CED-IADR Attendance/Travel Award abstract can be reviewed here.
Name | City, Country | Abstract Title |
Chloé Le Fournis | Marseille, France | Complement C5a and mesenchymal stem cell recruitment |
Thomas Giraud | Marseille, France | BioRoot™ RCS modulates the regeneration mechanisms initiated by periodontal ligament fibroblasts. |
Mila Janjic Rankovic | Munich, Germany | Comparison of Two Controls Used in WAB In Vitro Experiments |
Vinay Pitchika | Greifswald, Germany | Long-term impact of powered toothbrush on oral health: 11-year cohort study |
Maria Paschalidou | Munich, Germany | Biological effect of full-length amelogenin protein:events leading to de novo formation of periodontal tissues. |
Wuttapon Sadaeng | Budapest, Hungary | Influence of Sensory and Autonomic Denervation on Pulp CGRP Level |
Kasidid Ruksakiet | Budapest, Hungary | Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Sodium Hypochlorite and Chlorhexidine Irrigation: A Meta-Analysis |
Tamás Demeter | Budapest, Hungary | Effect Of Smoking Intensity On Whole And Minor Saliva Secretions |
Marina Peric | Pisa, Italy | The effects of a 6-month vitamin D supplementation during non-surgical treatment of periodontitis in vitamin D deficient patients: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study |
Stefano Gennai | Pisa, Italy | Acute Phase Response After Non-Surgical and Surgical Periodontal Treatment |
Urška Marhl | Pisa, Italy | Effects of Periodontal Treatment on Overall Well-being |
Angeliki Polymeri | Amsterdam, Netherlands | Surgical Treatment of Peri-Implantitis with Two Different Types of Xenograft |
Janneke Scheerman | Amsterdam, Netherlands | The effect evaluation of an online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy program for children’s dental anxiety |
CAN WANG | Groningen, Netherlands | Identification of adhesion-force induced gene expression, its force sensitivity and height distribution in Streptococcus mutans biofilms |
Alexander R.E. Verhelst | Amsterdam, Netherlands | Periodontitis Is A Risk Indicator For Obstructive Sleep Apnea |
Brunilda Dhamo | Rotterdam, Netherlands | Dental Development and the Occurrence of Aberrant Occlusal Dental Traits |
Marije Kaan | Amsterdam, Netherlands | Feasibility of home sampling by mothers in infants for microbiota analysis of multiple oral niches |
Nehir Canigur Bavbek | Ankara, Turkey | Understanding the effect of palatally impacted canines on transversal width of dental arch: Quadrant analysis of three dimensional data |
Sinem OĞLAKÇIOĞLU | Izmir, Turkey | 1-Year Clinical Follow-up of Selective Caries Removal in Deep Dentin Carious Lesions |
Ruhsan Muduroglu | Mersin, Turkey | Adhesive Application in Class II Composite Restorations Before/After Matrix Positioning |
2019 CED-IADR Travel Award abstract can be reviewed here.
In 2018:
- Stevan Cokic (Leuven, Belgium)
- Dono Khharova (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Joana Marques (Lisbon, Portugal)
- Marina Miteva (Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Beliz Ozel (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Thomas Spinell (Munich, Germany)
- Gamze Yalcin (Ankara, Turkey)
In 2017:
- Mohammed Ahmed (Leuven, Belgium)
- Stevan Cokic (Leuven, Belgium)
- Joana Costa (Lisbon, Portugal)
- Mariana Cruz (Lisbon, Portugal)
- Mustafa Donmez (Konya, Turkey)
- Cristina Parise Gré (Leuven, Belgium)
- Nina Grguraš (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Tugce Gezer (Konya, Turkey)
- Zeynep Kutuk (Ankara, Turkey)
- Siemon De Nys (Leuven, Belgium)
- Fatma Öz (Ankara, Turkey)
- Begum Orucguney (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Matej Par (Hungary)
- Mariano Nicolas Pedano De Piero (Leuven, Belgium)
- Athanasios Rigos (Thessaloniki, Greece)
- Sara Nogueira Ribeiro (Lisboa, Portugal)
- Fabio Sánchez (Castro Urdiales, Spain)
- Tuba Yilmaz-Savas (Konya, Turkey)
- Nazli Sirinsukan (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Ayse Tunac (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Fausto Zamparini (Bologna, Italy)
In 2016:
- Ana Paula Ayres (Belgium)
- Hadas Dorchin-Ashkenazi (Israel)
- Siemon De Nys (Belgium)
- Andrei Ionescu (Italy)
- Yehuda Klein (Israel)
- Remy Massouh (France)
- Izabella Nagy (Hungary)
- Ivana Nedeljkovic (Belgium)
- Zuzanna Oruba (Poland)
- Mariano N. Pedano (Belgium)
- Veli Öztürk (Turkey)
In 2015:
- Maria Bousnaki (Thessaloniki, Greece)
- Nikola Jakovljevic (Belgrade, Serbia)
- Rozita Jalali (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Ekaterina Karteva (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)
- Madeline Kosho (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Xin Li (Leuven, Belgium)
- Jovana Marjanovic (Belgrade, Serbia)
- Ivana Nedeljkovic (Leuven, Belgium)
- Beliz Özel (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Michael Wolf (Bonn, Germany)
- Tuba Yilmaz (Ankara, Turkey)
In 2014:
- P. ALTINCI (Turku, Finland)
- A. AKCALI (Izmir, Turkey)
- A. BADOVINAC (Zagreb, Croatia)
- B.C.F. BARRETO (Leuven, Belgium)
- B.P. CALENIC (Romania, Bucharest)
- S. COKIC (Leuven, Belgium)
- M. CZOWNICKA (Berlin, Germany)
- S. FARKASDI (Budapest, Hungary)
- V. KOMLENIC (Belgrade, Serbia)
- I. SALARIC (Zagreb, Croatia)
In 2013:
- E. Ozturk (Ankara, Turkey)
- K. Gorseta (Zagreb, Croatia)
- B. Kanat (Izmir, Turkey)
- M. Çômlekoglu (Izmir, Turkey)
In 2012:
- Samir Cimic (Zagreb, Croatia)
- Eva Klaric (Zagreb, Croatia)
- Danijela Marovic (Zagreb, Croatia)
- Bogdan Calenic (Bucharest, Romania)
- Makbule Akbulut (Selcuklu, Turkey)
- Bora Bagis (Trabzon, Turkey)
- Andac Barkin (Bavbek, Turkey)
- Mehmet Guneser (Konya, Turkey)
- Burcu Kanat (Izmir, Turkey)
- Duygu Yaman (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Tevfik Yavuz (Konya, Turkey)
In 2011:
- Aliye Akcali (Izmir,Turkey)
- Mehmet Akin (Konya,Turkey)
- Anita Beck (Budapest,Hungary)
- Gábor Berkei (Budapest,Hungary)
- Samir Cimic (Zagreb,Croatia)
- Mithikar Gürsel (Konya,Turkey)
- Bernard Jankovic (Zagreb,Croatia)
- Eva Klaric (Zagreb,Croatia)
- Neshka Atanasova Manchorova-Veleva (Plovdiv,Bulgaria)
- Hesna Ovecoglu from Istanbul,Turkey
- Özgün Özçaka from Izmir,Turkey
- Hesna Ovecoglu from Istanbul,Turkey
- Özgün Özçaka from Izmir,Turkey
- Muhsin Özdem from Isparta,Turkey
- Burcu Özdemir from Ankara,Turkey
- Elif Ozturk from Ankara,Turkey
- Péter Stiedl from Budapest,Hungary
- Kun Tian from Budapest,Hungary
- Isa Yondem from Konya,Turkey
In 2010:
- Atilla Gul, Izmir, Turkey
- Bagis Bora, Trabzon, Turkey
- Bingol Pinar, Izmir, Turkey
- Biyikoglu Basak, Izmir, Turkey
- Demeter Tamás, Budapest, Hungary
- Dündar Mine, Izmir, Turkey
- Erdem Adalet, Izmir, Turkey
- Gumus Hasan Onder, Kayseri, Turkey
- Gurbuz Gozde Anil, Balcali, Adana, Turkey
- Ilhan Kal Betül, Izmir, Turkey
- Karaarslan Bekir, Gaziantep, Turkey
- Karabekiroglu Said, Konya, Turkey
- Keremi Beata, Budapest, Hungary
- Koyuncuoglu Cenker, Istanbul, Turkey
- Márton Krisztina>, Budapest, Hungary
- Matosevic Danijela, Zagreb, Croatia
- Sagirkaya Elcin, Izmir, Turkey
- Stiedl Péter, Budapest, Hungary
- Usumez Aslihan, Gaziantep, Turkey
- Szabo Elod, Budapest, Hungary
- Yalcin Muhammet, Malatya, Turkey
- Yucel Munir Tolga, Konya, Turkey
In 2009:
- Buyukozer Serife Tuba (Konya, Turkey)
- Celik Esra Uzer (Isparta, Turkey)
- Eldeniz Ayce Unverdi (Konya, Turkey)
- Gokce Bulent (Izmir, Turkey)
- Gursel Mihtikar (Konya, Turkey)
- Gyurkovics Milán (Budapest, Hungary)
- Hakki Sema S. (Konya, Turkey)
- Karaarslan Emine Sirin (Gaziantep, Turkey)
- Loncar Bozana (Zagreb, Croatia)
- Önay Emel Olga (Ankara, Turkey)
- Ozdemir Erdem (Ankara, Turkey)
- Ozdemir Niler (Izmir, Turkey)
- Panduric Vlatko (Zagreb, Croatia)
- Patser Aniko (Budapest, Hungary)
- Ulker Mustafa (Kayseri, Turkey)
- Ulker H. Esra (Konya, Turkey)
- Unlu Nimet (Konya, Turkey
Want to be our next CED-IADR winner? To apply, see the regulations above.
For further information please contact the CED-IADR secretariat via ced.iadr@uzleuven.be